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Ryan Lee I Built It Foundation

Ryan Lee I Built It Foundation – Bringing Entrepreneurship to Disadvantaged Kids

Ryan Lee I Built It Foundation
Ryan Lee I Built It Foundation

The new Ryan Lee Entrepreneurship Foundation is officially launched. For those who don’t know Ryan, he is an internet marketing success. And I mean a big success. His gift is being a giver. By being a giver, he has created a massive loyal following online. By using email marketing, blogs, webinars and live events he has positioned himself as an an online coach empowering his followers with education, support and inspiration. The Ryan Lee I Built It Foundation will be providing knowledge, tools and business plans to inner cities and disadvantaged kids who just need someone to show them the way. For Info Click Here 

I know, I am involved in a few of his Facebook Groups. These groups are part of the magic online where 1 individual can put together networks of entrepreneurs who network on social media, create ideas and refer business back and forth. Mastermind Groups created on a massive scale.

I have received new clients from these groups, learned new techniques and found niche markets and ways to capitalize with new ideas. The Ryan Lee I Built It Foundation goal is to “educate our youth about real world entrepreneurship”. Ryan’s background and ideas for entrepreneurship began when he worked at a “High Risk” high school in the Bronx New York. Here he was able to interact with kids who are faced with dead ends in life. When he mentioned to them that entrepreneurship was an opportunity, these kids eyes lit up. That was before he began his internet marketing business.

Ryan Lee I Built It Foundation
Ryan Lee I Built It Foundation

So here it is 12 years later and the Ryan Lee I Built it Foundation has been formed. True to the concept that “Givers Gain” this is sure to go viral, creating new markets and economies nationwide. Disadvantaged youth certainly have ideas and a strong need to survive, they just need to know how.

In one the greatest business books of all time, Think and Grow Rich, the author, Napoleon Hill makes a significant statement inspired by steel baron Andrew Carnegie that anyone can achieve riches with the right plan. This appears to be the goal of the Ryan Lee I built It Foundation, give the kids the tools and knowledge and help them develop a plan that works.

Ryan Lee I Built It Foundation Information

For information and to make a contribution to the Ryan Lee I Built It Foundation click here. You can also watch this video where the Ryan Lee I Built It Foundation is explained by the master himself.


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